AutismOklahoma PieceWalk SpectrumMarket

Alex's Cast of Characters | Piecewalk

Oklahoma City

Join My Team Donate
Come Together and be part of Alex's Cast of Characters ! Alex is an avid theatre lover - performing in plays for many years now. He also participates in AutismOklahoma's Invisible Layers Film program (helping to create many of the PieceWalk promos this year). As an artist he takes part in The Duets program with AutismOklahoma. AutismOklahoma has provided so many opportunities for our family and we'd love to give back by participating in the PieceWalk to celebrate Alex and help raise money for the programs that have given Alex and his friends so much ! We'd also love for you to be part of our team - in person or on-line, walking with us, on your own, or just being at home and supporting us !

Badges Earned

Raised 200

Money Raised

$ 204

Team Fundraising Goal: $100
Total Raised: $204

Members Recruited


Membership Goal: 10
Team Members: 4


Colleen Callahan piecewalk
Don Geddes piecewalk
Donald Geddes donor
Clint Stone donor


Donald Geddes $100
Clint Stone $50
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